Pope Francis’s Encyclical on Ecology

Presented in cooperation with www.LiberationTheology.org.


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10 key excerpts from Pope Francis’s encyclical on the environment 
(Washington Post 6/18/2015)

History is Made as Pope Francis’ Encyclical is Presented in the Vatican
(America 6/18/2015)

From National Catholic Reporter

Eco-Catholic: ‘We see this as an essential part of the solution, if we look for the common good.”

Peace: an unexpected reaction to ‘Laudato Si’

Peaceful. That is the only word that fully describes how I feel after reading “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home,” the encyclical on the environment release by Pope Francis this morning.For the past six years, I have worked within the Catholic church to address the pressing issue of human-forced climate change. During that time, I have experienced some hopeful glimpses of how the church might animate effective responses to this challenge.

Laudato Si’ arrives

Distinctly Catholic: On one of the most important issues of the day, our Holy Father has blessed the Church with a document that is accessible to virtually anyone.