Deep Times: A Journal of the Work That Reconnects
Click here for the September 2021 Issue
Deep Times offers must-read articles, art, and poetry for people who have experienced the shift in perception invoked by the Work That Reconnects–of how life flows in relationships and systems, not isolated things, and how our selves are not separated from each other or Earth, but deeply interdependent. The journal provides brain-food, heart-food, and methods for those of us who are working to co-create life-sustaining, equitable cultures for all. The title comes from what Joanna Macy calls “Deep Time” work, in which we reconnect with ancestors and future beings to guide and inspire us. Deep Times follows the Spiral of the Work That Reconnects, with articles and poems on Gratitude, Honoring Our Pain for the World, Seeing with New Eyes, and Going Forth.
An additional section, Evolving Edge, reflects a foundational shift within the Work That Connects to “decolonize” its assumptions, concepts, and practices. Evolving Edge features new theory and perspectives, and new and revised practices. There are also sections for Network and Resources (book reviews and suggestions, videos and films, websites, etc). May you find here inspiration and connections to support your work for the Great Turning to a Life-Sustaining Society.
We publish Deep Times twice a year, now in a web-based edition to make the articles more readable and accessible. You can print out individual stories from the web-based issue; see the print button at the top of each story.
In August 2017, we published a special issue with a guest editorial team of BIPOC people. In August 2020, we published another special issue with a guest editorial team of young people. These and other back issues are available under Previous Issues.
Please note that when you visit a previous issue, the index in the right hand column reflects the most recent issue, not the one you are browsing. The contents of that issue will appear in the main column on the left.
We still have beautiful print copies of the Spring and Summer 2016 issues for sale for people who prefer to read from paper. Print copies are available for $15 plus shipping. Order two printed issues for $25 plus shipping (available only for first two issues) here.
For bulk orders of 5 or more print copies or international orders, send an email to Downloadable PDFs of those issues are available here.
Future issues may focus on specific themes with guest editors, so please let us know if you are interested in filling that role. Your suggestions and contributions will help make this journal a truly community effort.
The Weavers of the Work That Reconnects Network are grateful for the donations many of you have made to support both the journal and our recently redesigned website as well as other Network activities. We would like to continue to offer the Journal free of charge, but can only do so with your financial support. Please donate to the Work That Reconnects Network.