Presented in cooperation with
Person/, Dennis Rivers and DanKimball
Depending on your needs and situation,
the open-source Person/Planet Flowchart
can serve you in a variety of ways as…
- a path of creative resilience in the face of ecological and social breakdowns
- a compass that helps you plan and navigate the stages of complex project development
- a do-list that is also a story of personal and global awakening
- an eight-step spiral stairway of personal unfolding and team building
- a model of peer-to-peer encouragement, empowerment and supportive accompaniment
- a open-source curriculum for resilience studies for schools, colleges and religious communities
As we develop this website, the Person/Planet list of attention+action steps will be supported by an expanding library of resources drawn from the work of great ecologists and psychologists. As a META-MAP of creative resilience, the Person/Planet Help Map Flowchart draws on already existing bodies of knowledge, outlined below. As an analogy, you might say that rather than trying to re-invent the wheel, we are trying to put eight already existing excellent wheels together to make a new kind of vehicle. The Person/Planet Paradigm can be a way of organizing and using a lot of what you already know, and can also be a framework for organizing new knowledge. The Person/Planet community is an extended circle of friends and colleagues who relate to one another as co-learners and co-evolvers of this open-source vision.
(All Person/Planet teaching materials developed specifically by Dennis Rivers are in the Creative Commons, and are available free of charge in PDF format. We will also strive to find the least expensive ways of making printed materials available to the public.)
Our Situation
Planet Earth, and each of us as Her citizens, face a set of giant challenges, including war, poverty, disease, oppression, pollution, runaway toxic industrialization, and climate chaos. And as the world around us falls apart, I am convinced that we will tend to fall apart with it. I have the deep feeling that if we are going to do something other than fall apart, we will probably need to be fairly deliberate and systematic about it. The Person/Planet Paradigm is one possible vision of how to organize and focus one’s attention and effort in today’s uncertain and chaotic environment.
OUTLINE: The Person/Planet Eight-fold Spiral Stairway
Click each title to expand.Â
- Step 2: Linking with Mentors and Exemplars
- Step 3: Developing Guiding Ideas & Transformative Storylines
- Step 4. Nurturing Mutual Support Partners
- Step 5. Cultivating Strengths and Virtues
- Step 6: Building Team Practices
- Step 7. Growing Projects
- Step 8. Reflecting on Lessons Learned