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A Game-Changing Vision for Geothermal Energy

June 24, 2021

A new possibility: Drilling miles down for geothermal energy by using a focused beam of microwave energy  rather than a mechanical drill bit 

According to a report released in 2019 by the U.S. Department of Energy, geothermal electricity generation could increase more than 26-fold by 2050—reaching 60 GW of installed capacity. That may seem like a pipe dream to some power observers, but if new well-drilling techniques allow enhanced geothermal systems to become economical, the reality could be much greater. In fact, Quaise Energy, a company working to develop enabling technologies needed to expand geothermal on a global scale, claims as much as 30 TW of geothermal energy could be added around the world by 2050.

“That’s where the drilling technology that we’re proposing comes into play. We’re basically trying to do directed-energy drilling with millimeter waves,” Araque said. “Imagine a microwave source on the surface, it’s called a gyrotron. We beam this energy through a pipe into the hole. Together with this energy, we push a gas—could be nitrogen, could be air, could be argon, if necessary—and at the bottom of that pipe, this energy comes out, evaporates the rock, and the gas picks up the vapor of that rock and pulls it back out. What comes out of the hole looks like volcanic ash, and the hole actually burns its way down, you know, five, six, 10, 15, 20 kilometers, as needed, to get to the temperatures we’re looking at.”

The fundamental physics behind the technology has been proven, now Quaise Energy is moving from the lab to installing a prototype in the field. “Over the next three years, we’re going to be working with key people in the oil and gas industry—one of them is one of the largest drilling contractors in the oil and gas industry—and hand in hand working with them to actually show that this is not only a good idea, but it’s actually a viable idea. We’re going to be doing this in the western United States,” said Araque.

Read article:

Visit Quase Energy website (developers of new technology)

Listen to full interview:


Superhot Rock Geothermal

Superhot rock geothermal energy is a visionary technology deserving of investment, and yet almost entirely unrecognized in the decarbonization debate. It has the potential to meet long-term demands for zero-carbon, always-on power, and can generate hydrogen for transportation fuel and other applications. Unlocking the potential of this energy source could expand our options and potentially carve a path forward to replace fossil fuels.

Superhot rock energy could support rapid global decarbonization

Click to download report (PDF file).

info from

Geothermal Energy: How Big is the Potential?
2023 update with physicist Sabine Hossenfelder

Google’s Billion Dollar (geothermal) Gamble:
You Won’t Believe What it is! (2024 update)

Geothermal Power Everywhere: Tech Advances Rapidly
Presented by physicist Sabine Hossenfelder

2020 Overview of Geothermal Energy
One promising element in a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

From: Just Have a Think on YouTube


Science tells us there’s enough energy in the first 10 kilometres below our planet’s surface to provide all our energy needs for millions of years. The Romans tapped into it for their hot water spas. Today, we all know it as Geothermal Energy. There’s no carbon dioxide emissions and no air pollution with geothermal, and it’s literally right there beneath our feet. So why isn’t our entire planet powered by it? Help support this YouTube channel’s leading edge reporting at  and please visit

Geothermal energy is poised for a big breakout

Solar Power

New solar power technologies emerging:

Imagine a city that’s actually a vast solar energy harvesting system. A team of Michigan State University researchers has developed a technology that can turn transparent surfaces, from building windows to cell phones, into solar collecting surfaces – without obstructing the view.



2016 Overview of the ongoing revolution in energy economics:
Cost of solar power per kilowatt falls below
cost of energy from fossil fuels!



2015-06-08:  Stanford engineers develop state-by-state plan to convert U.S. to 100% clean, renewable energy by 2050

2015:  The Solutions Project: A 100% Renewable Energy Vision calif-energy-demand-700pxw        

2013-06-13:  Desert Project Could Produce 20% Of Europe’s Power

Europe could import up to a fifth of its electricity from solar and wind parks in North Africa and the Middle East by 2050, and the CEO of a Germany-based consortium studying the expensive project says stakeholders must act, or face a jump in power prices.

The Desertec Industrial Initiative, set up in Germany in 2009, says Europe could import up to a fifth of its electricity from desert regions, saving $46 billion per year, according to a report in Climate Spectator.

Deserts get more power from the sun than can be used by mankind in a year, Desertec claims.

Read more…

2013-04-30:  Nanotechnology open the way to more efficient solar collectors

Notable Quote from the above article: “The power output of the Sun that reaches the Earth could provide as much  as 10,000 times more energy  than the combined output of all the commercial power plants on the planet, according to the National Academy of Engineering. The problem is how to harvest that energy.”

2012-09-16:   Power East Coast via wind? Doable with 144,000 offshore turbines, study says 2012-09-14:   Wind Power Potential of Planet Earth is 25 to 40 Times Larger Than the World’s Current Total Energy Use. 2012-09-09:   Geophysical Limits to Global Wind Power  —  Analysis from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory

Geothermal Power to The People: Forget Iceland, Hot Rocks Are Everywhere Geothermal power as an alternative to wind and solar 2012 article by Mark Halper on

Full Steam Ahead For California Geothermal Plans? NPR story from August 2010

Geothermal Success Story (Oct. 2008): The Philippines generate 28% of their electricity from geothermal field

Utilities putting new energy into geothermal sources (L.A. Times)

Geothermal Energy — Clean Power From the Earth’s Heat A 43-page report from the U.S. Geological Survey (2003)

MIT issues new report on Geothermal power (Jan 2007)

Australia Pioneers Energy from Hot Rocks more on Hot Rock Energy

The Plus Side of Volcanoes — Geothermal Power (from the US Geodetic Survey)

Geothermal Energy Facts (from the Geothermal Education Office)

Volcano World — for Kids

Sea Floor Energy Around the World: What is a “hydrothermal vent?

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