Nuclear Waste, Accidents, Fires & Dumping:
The Nuclear Dream’s Toxic Legacy of Radioactive Trash

(Click image for video from FRANCE24.COM)

Highly radioactive spill near Columbia River in E. Washington worse than expected.

The spill of highly radioactive waste beneath a building on the Hanford nuclear reservation north of Richland and near the Columbia River is both deeper and broader than anticipated. In a statement Thursday, the Department of Energy said the contamination in the soil at the Hanford 324 Building 1,000 feet from the Columbia River and a mile north of Richland is “much larger” than previously identified. Now the Department of Energy is rethinking the cleanup plan for the spill discovered 13 years ago, with work crews making preparations for the excavation of the radioactive material over the past six years.

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From The Guardian, Friday, July 3, 2015

The Runit Dome in the Marshall Islands is a hulking legacy of years of US nuclear testing. Now locals and scientists are warning that rising sea levels caused by climate change could cause 111,000 cubic yards of debris to spill into the ocean. read more…

The radioactive dome on Enewetak atoll.

Documentary from Australian Broadcasting Corp.
about nuclear waste in the Marshall Islands.

Thousands of cubic metres of radioactive waste lies buried under a concrete dome on the Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands, the legacy of over a decade of US nuclear tests in the Pacific. Now rising sea levels are threatening to spill its contents into the sea. Read more here:


2014 accident at WIPP ranks among costliest in U.S. history. LA Times/Albuquerque Journal.

Los Alamos Fire Burns Near Nuclear Weapons Factory — July 2011
set to music by don michael sampson

.   los-alamos-album-cover

“los alamos”

Documentary on Radioactive Waste Dumping

The 1957 Windscale Fire and Contamination (1990 BBC Documentary)

The desire for nuclear weapons fuel early in the Clod War appears to have overwhelmed any thoughts of public safety on the part of British authorities.

Britain’s Chernobyl: The Nuclear Disaster You’ve Never Heard Of

Alec Baldwin on the Human Costs of Nuclear Power on Huffington Post April 11, 2010

Chernobyl 25 years later: distorted reality, and unanswered questions a report from Greenpeace International. (2011)

nukey-poo:   Toxic Radioactive Waste at Fernald, Ohio (Oct. 2009) When nuclear power advocates claim that nuclear energy is cheap, they do so because they exclude the costs of both the beginning and the end of the nuclear energy process:  both uranium mining/smelting and toxic waste guarding (there is no safe way to “dispose” of it).  The linked news story is about nuclear waste from 50 years ago.  We will only have to take intensive care of it for another 249,950 years.   What a bargain!

Ten Strikes Against Nuclear Power
Three pages tell the whole story.  —  From Coop America.

Two articles by Alec Baldwin about the dangers and lies of nuclear power

Radioactive Ooze Found In Paducah

Government Losing Track of Nuclear Bomb Parts at Kentucky Plant

Nuclear Waste Tanks Leaking at Hanford, Washington (2 pages)   Details? Do I hear you saying you want more @!#*&%%! details? cover_hanford_leaks_report_sm APRIL, 2006: Here is a 77-page technical report documenting the ongoing problems with leaking nuclear waste tanks that are contaminating the groundwater around Hanford, Washington. Web Site Editor’s comment: How ‘cheap’ is nuclear power if its waste poisons the water and sickens untold future generations? How ‘safe’ do nuclear weapons keep us, if our continual reliance on them teaches every ambitious politician on planet Earth that nuclear weapons are the path to real political power?  

A Background Briefing on Radioactive Pollution   —  A 26-page review of problems associated with radioactive pollution from nuclear power, weapons and waste — by Wendy Oser and Molly Young Brown, M.Div.

Nuclear Spoons: Hot metal may find its way to your dinner table. 
By Anne-Marie Cusac in The Progressive October 1998.

“…the DOE has come up with an  ingenious plan to dispose of  its troublesome tons of [radioactive]  nickel, copper, steel, and  aluminum. It wants to let scrap companies collect the metal, try to take the radioactivity out, and sell the metal to foundries, which would in turn sell it to manufacturers who could use it for everyday household products:  pots, pans, forks, spoons, even your eyeglasses.”  (Web editor’s note:  Bad publicity such as this article helped get this program suspended by the DOE in July, 2000.  But the problem of radioactive materials migrating into civilian products is not over.)

> One objection to nuclear power is that it requires superhuman levels of honesty, consistency and reliability from a vast network of just plain human beings.  The story below reports the latest trouble at Sellafield, England, site of the disastrous 1957 Windscale nuclear fire

Feb. 22, 2000: UK Nuclear Fuel Scandal Widens (from the Environment News Service)

>>> March, 2000:  Improvements in local infant health observed after nuclear power reactor closings…

Abstract of journal article:  Between 1987 and 1998, operations ceased at 12 U.S. nuclear power reactors. One of these, Rancho Seco, is located in a densely populated area. After the reactor closed in 1989,  significant decreases in mortality (all causes and from congenital anomalies) and cancer incidence were observed for fetuses, infants, and small children. These trends contrast with a  worsening of infant health status after the plant opened in 1974. The data suggest that a relationship between nuclear emissions and adverse health effects exists, especially since fetuses  and newborns are most sensitive to radiation. Because Rancho Seco released low levels of radionuclides into the local environment, the issue of health effects of prolonged, low-dose  radiation exposure is raised. The matter becomes increasingly important as operators of several dozen aging U.S. reactors must soon decide whether to extend their operating licenses. From:  Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology (2000) 2, 32-36.