By Dennis Rivers and the Spiral Journey Working Group
The mandala flow-chart resilience maps shown below are possible integrative visions of the skills and strengths we need to take up the great work of nurturing and defending the Web of Life.  Becoming a more compassionate, nurturing and creative person is the work of a lifetime. Building a green and compassionate civilization will be the work of centuries. Learning from the way that “fractal” patterns unfold in nature can help us see that similar processes unfold in a person, a family, a working group, a country and a civilization.  (Perhaps a galaxy, too, but I have to confess that the galactic level is a little beyond my reach.) These Spiral Journey explorations are an evolving work-in-progress of communication skills trainer Dennis Rivers and a circle of colleagues, in an effort to weave together the transformative work of many guiding lights, including Mahatma Gandhi, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,  eco-philosopher Joanna Macy and physicist/ecological activist Vandana Shiva.
The order and number of the steps in the various Spiral Journey mandalas are suggested rather than prescribed. You are most welcome to rearrange them into the pattern that most inspires and assists you to become the best possible you, and to express more radiantly your love for the Web of Life and all your brothers and sisters. For an expanded version of the central oval in the Spiral Journey diagram, we invite you to explore our newest graphic, Seven Mandalas Exploring Reverence for Life.  (For more explorations of reverence for life as a spiritual path, please visit our sister site:
We invite you to participate in the Spiral Journey extended community by forming your own teams-of-two study and practice partnerships and independent study groups. You are also invited to recommend new resources for each of the many Spiral Journey resource libraries. The core materials of the Spiral Journey approach are available free of charge in PDF format, and may be reproduced without royalties, under a Creative Commons license. We invite colleges and universities around the world to adopt the Spiral Journey Empowerment & Resilience Map as the fractal outline for a B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Transformational or Ecological Leadership.
2022 Edition — Work in progress — Click image below for PDF portfolio

2019 Edition — Click image below for PDF file.

2016 Edition — Click image below for  11×17 PDF file.
2016 Edition A vision of personal and social transformation, inspired by the lives and teachings of Joanna Macy, Mahatma Gandhi and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.