Songs for Going Forth
(Including Songs for Group Singing)

Music presented in cooperation with Gretchen Sleicher  and her web site. 

These songs help summon our individual and collective courage, encourage us on our paths, reaffirm our commitments and celebrate the unique opportunity we have to give our gifts for the Great Turning at this time on the planet.

S O N G S   W I T H   L Y R I C S   A N D   R E C O R D I N G S

Come Into Your Calling, by Laurence Cole

Don’t Go Back to Sleep, Anonymous

May You Walk, by Betsy Rose

Fool’s Journey, by Gretchen Sleicher

Where There is No Vision, by Fay White/Gretchen Sleicher

Compassionate Eyes, by Linda Allen

Three Dimensions, by Gretchen Sleicher

Weave and Spin, Author unknown

For the Children, by Laurence Cole


Image courtesy of Meganne Forbes