Ed Conrad — Path of the Heart

Presented in cooperation with Rev. Ed Conrad and  HeartPoweredPath.com

Rev. Ed’s book, Heart Power, is now available for all to read on this website.
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Edward Conrad has been a dedicated teacher and student of the path of the heart for most of his life. Growing up in the segregated culture of Fort Worth, Texas in a traditional Christian church, the disturbing experiences of discrimination, dehumanization and marginalization which characterized those institutions were instrumental in shaping his inner life and future choices.

Later, as a college graduate in philosophy, a student of A Course in Miracles, and a devoted follower of the Transcendentalists, and by extension, the New Thought movement in the United States, he was led to become a Unity minister. After graduating from Unity School for Religious Studies  in Unity Village, Missouri (www.unity.org ), Edward served as a Unity minister for 26 years. He was the founding minister of Unity Columbine Spiritual Center in Boulder, Colorado and Unity in the Heart of St. Paul, Minnesota. 

In the midst of his journey in ministry, Edward created The Heart of God, an interactive 7 week transformational seminar along with The Heart of God weekend workshop, both of which were shared in numerous Unity churches over the years.

His ongoing personal and professional in-depth focus on the power and mystery of the heart resulted in him becoming a skillful spiritual teacher and inspiring facilitator of heart-centered groups and retreats.

In 1994, Edward experienced The New Warrior Training Adventure, a weekend transformational personal growth experience conducted by The Mankind Project, often called MKP. This was the beginning of his ongoing 25 year healing, empowering personal journey into how to be a man of courage, authenticity, and wisdom. Edward continues to serve as an elder leader in his local MKP community in western Oregon.

He expanded his career as a minister and followed the leading of his own soul to begin the journey of rediscovering himself. In 2016, Edward created the “Awakening into Authenticity Blueprint”, a very powerful personal tool for opening the doorway to transform lifelong fears and false assumptions about ourselves. This experience led to the fulfillment of his life’s purpose. The beginning of this purpose can be traced to a family vacation when, as a two year old, he narrowly survived a near-death drowning experience. 

Since then, he has authored: Heart Power: Going Deeper Into the Heart of Who You Are One Day at a Time, an inspirational daily reader (Updated and Revised, 2018, Luminare Press), and The Heart-Powered Path: 99 Daily Practices for Igniting Heart/Mind Coherence (2018, Luminare Press).

Rev. Ed’s Heart Power book is available to read online
free of charge on this website.  Click here.

For more information about Rev. Ed’s life and work, please visit