Randy Morris — Nurturing the Interwoven Soul of the World

AboutBooks, Chapters and ArticlesVideos and Podcasts

Randy Morris, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus at Antioch University Seattle where he taught in the BA Liberal Studies Program for 30 years and was the coordinator of the Psychology and Spiritual Studies concentrations. Prior to his career at Antioch University, Randy taught K-12 students for 10 years, including 3 years at the Hiroshima International School in Hiroshima, Japan. He is also the President Emeritus of the Board at Rite of Passage Journeys, a non-profit dedicated to restoring rites of passage for youth, adults and elders, and where he led adult vision quests for many years. Randy is a Certified Sage-ing Leader with Sage-ing International and serves on their executive and ritual committees. He is the Co-President of The C.G. Jung Society of Seattle, bringing the insights of depth psychology to bear on global rites of passage and the dark night of the species soul. Randy continues to teach classes in Dreamwork, Ritual Process, Elderhood and Rites of Passage. He is the co-author of the book Nagasaki Spirits, Hiroshima Voices: Making Sense of the Nuclear Age and co-editor of the book Rites of Passage Into Elderhood. In his spare time he is a grandfather to five and likes to play pickleball, strum his guitar, and paddle his kayak on his beloved Salish Sea.

Professor Emeritus, Antioch University Seattle

President Emeritus, Rite of Passage Journeys (www.riteofpassagejourneys.org)

Executive Committee, Sage-ing International (www.sage-ing.org)

Co-President, C.G. Jung Society, Seattle (www.jungseattle.org)

The only war that matters is the war against the imagination.
All other wars are subsumed within it. …
It is a war for this world,
to keep it a vale of soul-making.”
– Diane Di Prima

Books, Book Chapters, and Articles by Randy Morris

Nagasaki Spirits, Hiroshima Voices: Making Sense of the Nuclear Age

…there is something about growing up in the shadow of the atomic bomb that demands our attention. If we ignore it, the image of the bomb will slide underground to haunt our dreams. We all have a responsibility to come to terms with the symbolic power of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – what they have to say about who we are as global citizens, about technology, power, about the nature of evil and human destructiveness. Hiroshima and Nagasaki symbolize a particular time in history, and the end of one age and the beginning of another. This book is the result of journeys undertaken by the authors as educators and human beings to make sense of the nuclear age. Our unique vantage point is that we lived in Hiroshima for many years, time enough for the psychic landscape of the city to speak to and through us. We hope that it will stimulate others to deepen their thinking about this crucial time in human history.

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Rites of Passage into Elderhood concludes the yearlong exploration of THE SPIRITUALIY OF LATER LIFE that began with the 2011 Winter issue of Itineraries. In its introductory essay, guest editor Randy Morris calls for a restoration of elder rites of passage that will awaken our culture from its destructive trance and inaugurate a new age of sustainability focused on the needs of future generations. Morris dedicates the issue to the late Fred Lanphear, whose remarkable life and pioneering work around earth eldering is described by his friends and colleagues, Jim Clark and Craig Ragland. Next, we hear the youthful voice of Darcy Ottey who urges reticent baby boomers to take their rightful place of leadership in culture. Edith Kusnic, herself a baby boomer, reviews the history of her generation and reminds her peers of the work that awaits completion. Ron Pevny gives an excellent overview of the principles that underlie rites of passage, and Tom Pinkson offers examples of recognition rites he has conducted for elders. A quartet of essays explores various dimensions of rites of passage. Harry R. Moody shows how the invitation to personal transformation often comes through our dreams; and Richard Rohr, reminding us that “the way up is the way down,” offers techniques for exploring our shadow nature. Richard Leider illuminates the call to meaning for elders by clarifying the power of personal choice. And regular contributor John Sullivan compares the two initiations — into adulthood and into elderhood — in the context of the soul’s longing to come to life more fully. The issue concludes with two personal accounts — by Larry Hobbs and Helen Kolff — of a particular form of an initiatory rite of passage, the vision quest.

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A R T I C L E S ~ I N ~ P D F ~ F O R M A T

1. The Psychology of Extinction (1985)

2. An Imaginal Odyssey Into the Soul of Hiroshima (w intro) (1995)

3. Education for Apocalypse, A Depth Psychological Approach (1997)

4. Liberating Psyche in the Aftermath of 9/11 (2001)

5. Jung’s Contributions to Education (2004)

6. A Liberal Arts Education for the Great Turning (2005)

7. Contributions of Joseph Campbell to the Global Spiritual Revolution (2007)

8. Creating Earth-Centered Community Ritual (2010)

9. Blazing a Path of Devotion (2012)

10. Elder Love Vision Quest (2013)

11. Earth Elder Initiation (2013)

12. Extinction Anxiety in the Age of Trumpism (2017)

13. Reflections on The Sacred at Rite of Passage Journeys (2019)

14. Therapeutic Approaches To Extinction Anxiety (2019)

15. Grief and Gratitude In The Time of the Great Turning (2020)

16. Battle for the Soul of America, A Depth Psychological Approach to the 2020 Election (2020)

17. Dreams, Rituals and The Dark Night Of The Species Soul (2021)

18. The Good News In Bad Times (2022)

19. The Wisdom School of the Heart (2022)

The Dark Night of Our Collective Souls – Randy Morris Ph.D.

The Therapeutics of Extinction Anxiety – Randy Morris Ph.D.

Randy Morris: Extinction Anxiety and Dreams